
People used to make fun of me. “You’re walking?” they’d say. “What is that going to do? You’re wasting your time. Get some real cardio in.” 

Oh, my friend, it's doing so many things! You have no idea until you try it yourself!

Leisure walking. What a great neighborhood we live in to do just this. During COVID when I had lots of time to explore, I was particularly grateful for the miles of walking trails in and around Cameron Station. My walks would take me from around the lake to the path behind the townhouses or just around the lit neighborhood on a warm summer night. Other times, I’d venture out to the trail on Eisenhower Avenue. I’ve even walked to Old Town Alexandria and through the woodsy Holmes Run Parkway trail. We have so much access here in Cameron Station to beautiful trails, nature, and people-watching right in our backyard!Leisurely walk photosA leisurely walk around Cameron Station is a great way to take in the natural beauty of our neighborhood, no matter the season. Photos by Emily Newman.

Leisure walking is an important part of a fitness routine. It is not necessarily about burning the most calories but about balancing hormones. A balanced hormonal system is primed to lose fat! While weightlifting and intense exercise have their place in this balance, walking is just as important. Walking not only lowers cortisol levels and blood sugar, but it also makes you feel good, isn’t hard on your joints, improves digestion (particularly after a meal), lowers your risk of chronic disease, slows aging, and doesn’t induce the typical hunger response we tend to get from intense workouts. The stress-reducing effect of walking is even more magnified when walking in nature. The Japanese call it Shinrin-yoku. 

Remember, this is not speed walking. It is leisurely walking. It’s easy to turn walking into an aerobic workout that is not as beneficial. That is because moderate-intensity aerobic exercise raises cortisol rather than lowering it. It is very easy to tip the scales towards stress production if aerobic exercise is all you do. 

Don’t consider walking as an exercise. Instead, consider it a necessity for good mental and physical health. Leisure walking should be at a slow, relaxed pace that allows for easy conversation. On a treadmill, it would approximately be a speed of about 3.0. Make it fun! Walk with a friend, listen to a podcast, take a phone call, put on some music, try a walking meditation, or listen to a book. You can leisurely walk for as long as you like. Shoot for 30-60 minutes or 5,000-10,000 steps, all at once or split up throughout the day. 

So, lace up your walking shoes and hit the trail! I’ll catch you out in the neighborhood. Say hi when you see me. ☺

Emily Newman has been a Cameron Station resident since 2006. She is a fitness professional, as well as a health and nutrition coach. You can frequently find her in the Cameron Club helping residents reach their fitness goals. Her approach is tailored to each individual client, helping them achieve their personal best in a way that fits their lifestyle. You can learn more about Emily on her website (or click HERE) and can contact her directly via email at